BBVX - one step beyond

Personal Endorsements

Why have this page?

Frankly, much of politics is based on personal recommendations. Some of us follow things more carefully than others. You are, of course, encouraged to check into the issues for yourself and make your own decisions based on the facts you find. These endorsements are offered for information only.

Individuals are encouraged to post their positions on issues that they feel strongly about or where they feel their point of view may contribute to the general conversation on the topic. Send your endorsements to Please include information to confirm your identity, such as a publicly accessible official AAUW web site documenting your e-mail address and/or phone number. [Note that anyone listed in the AAUW Leadership Directory may use that to satisfy this requirement.]


Nancy Shoemaker, North Carolina

Nancy is president-elect of AAUW NC (for 05-06) and has been a member since 1994. She was a member of the Association Program Development Committee, 2001-2003. She is the founder of the site. Contact her at

Bylaws Change 1. Elect all association at-large directors: OPPOSE
With the smaller board it seems even more important to have outside perspectives included. These seem unlikely to emerge through our current nominating and election process. I'd like to see an improved process for recruiting and orienting appointed directors and a longer trial of the process before we decide it's not going to work.
Bylaws Change 2. Change eligibility requirements for membership: SUPPORT
It's time to open up our membership to all who support our mission. I'm in favor of Proposal A and will support Proposal B, but am worried that there will be difficulties in getting compromise language that is acceptable to 2/3 of us. Let's just take the path of radical change and pass Proposal A.
Election for Association President: SUPPORT Ruth Sweetser
There are two fine candidates, but having had many discussions with Ruth since 2001, in particular in depth probes of the use of technology for the benefit of the Association, I believe she is the person to lead us in the next biennium.


About Us Page last updated: 09-Jun-2005 11:00